Sys-Parameter Models for Keysight’s Pathwave System Design and RF Synthesis
Sys-Parameter Models for Keysight’s Pathwave System Design and RF Synthesis
Sys-Parameter models contain behavioral parameters, such as P1dB, IP3, gain, noise figure and return loss, which describe nonlinear and linear characteristics of a device. These models can be used in Keysight’s Pathwave System Design (SystemVue) and RF Synthesis (Genesys) Engineering Design Automation (EDA) tools. This enables interactive budget analysis of modulated RF specs such as Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) and Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) for entire RF signal chains. These models also cover the complete operating frequency range of the device.
The ADI Sys-Parameter library consists of over 100 RF amplifiers and mixers. Click below to download and install the most recent update to the ADI Sys-Parameter library.
Download a trial version of PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys)
Download a trial version of PathWave System Design (SystemVue)